Members of the Board of Directors

Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dr. Salwa El-Toukhy – –
Dean of the Institute:  Prof. Dr. El- Sayed Ibrahim Gaber –


A Message from Dr. Salwa El Toukhy, the chairman

The High Institute for Tourism and Hotels (HITH) was established in 1990 with the purpose of enhancing the standard of higher education in the field of tourism studies, hotel studies, and tour guidance the efforts initiated by Dr. Souad Kafafi were exerted towards improving the students’ skills in this field of study. The (HITH) is continuously updating its academic programs to provide its student with the latest methods of teaching and training. Preparing the students to face today’s competitive job market as competent professionals upon their graduation.

in addition to the rigorous academic programs and the different languages offered at the (HITH), it offers outstanding students the opportunity to travel to Europe and japan to continue their studies hoping that broader cultural exposures will aid the student in deciding what is the next step they want to take in their professional lives and will foster global hospitality education. Many of our alumni hold key management positions the hospitality industry.

At (HITH) we strive to provide our students with the intellectual and social foundations that they need in order to become all they can be. We do our best to prepare them to be competent, committed and compassionate human being leading fulfilling lives in today’s global prosperous society.